Saturday 17 September 2016

gaur gopal prabhu

gaur gopal prabhu funny compilation...
Life's Amazing Secrets -  Golden Keys 
by Gaur Gopal Das:)

His Grace Gaur Gopal Prabhu is inspiring disciple of Radhanath Swami. He is a Bramachari at Radha Gopinath Mandir, ISKCON  Mumbai. He did his Graduation in Becholer of Engineering in Electronics from Pune's well known institution Goverment collage of Engineering (COEP)

 He is very popular amoung learned devotees of Lord Krishna especially the software engineers in India and the Uk.

Edit : Besides Geeta and other other Puranas he is knowledgable about social media and other advancement of technology . During his discourses, owing to his humorous nature, he relates teachings from Vedas with psychology of younger generation very well.

when life drowns you with difficulties never  consider yourself unfortunate and don't damn the luck. but take it as an opprortunity to grow and flourish. because arrow can be only shot by pulling it backwards, when life is dragging you backward, it means it is going to launch you into something great. so just focus and keep aiming.

Don't be envious when you see people doing better than yourself, be appreciative. Appreciating the greatness of another person is the first step of overcoming envy!
Hare Krishna..!!

materialism is only form of distraction from true bliss of life ! what a solid logical  explanation by ISKON GURUJI !!

Gaur Gopal das featured in Coach's Corner(Business Line, a daily business newspaper) ! The article was written after his phenomenal keynote at the National HRD network conference in Bengaluru.

what makes life complete 
gaur gopal prabhu das
gaur gopal prabhu das

A Monk Who Bought a Ferrari by Gaur
Gopal Das

when a bird is alive, It eats ants .when its dead, Ants eat the bird. One tree makes a million match stick and only one matchstick is neenen to burn a millon trees. Don't Devaluate or hurt anyone. You may be powerful today but time is more powerful than you Be good & Do good
Material joy has two problems. It makes one insensitive and irresponsible. But Spiritual joy makes one super sensitive and supper responsiblity

Strengths are not determined by your victory, it’s the hardships, which makes your strength. Taking a difficult path and deciding not to surrender is the strength. 
One who wins without problems, it’s just a victory.
One who wins with a lot of troubles, its history....

How To Control Your Emotions Gaur Gopal Prabhu Speech by Dinesh Dadhich....

Mother is your biggest teacher..
Never ever try to teach her

Inspiring Youth Festival by Gaur Gopal Prabhu....

Chodo ghar bar.. chalo haridwar...

Gaur Gopal Prabhu - The Cup of Life..

Most people don’t take interest in Philosophy as people find it hard to understand the unique style of writing of philosophers. It might possible if someone make this subject a little easier for us.
Gaur Gopal prabhu, a disciple of HH Radhanath Swami, making philosophy easier like anything with using humor in his talks that helps us to understand the deep philosophy.
Here is a video that I can think
 everybody MUST watch:-
"Starting is easy, maintenance is difficult!"

"Relationship 4 questions for sucessed by gopal prabhu!"

Life amazing secrets 10golden keys 
by Gaur gopal das

What make's life complete?

How to make Difficult choice..


  1. Thanks for sharing this inspirational videos of Gaur Gopal Das. Such a strong message with so simple yet powerful words. we don’t have to stress ourselves about that people are the way they are. we have to focus and keep going and ignore otherwise we don’t live in peace.

  2. Such a great information. Thanks for this inspirational videos and thoughts of gaur gopal das ji. I am very lucky to reach this blog post. Keep sharing.
